NMAPT Presents:
Our Speaker:
Dr. Rachel McRoberts
April 25-26, 2024
9am- 4pm
Jungian Play Therapy:
Supporting the Symbolic Life
About Your Presenter Rachel McRoberts, PhD, LPC/MHSP, ACS, RPT-S is an award winning, Jungian oriented play therapist, counselor, supervisor, educator, and researcher. She is the author of Jungian Counseling & Play Therapy: classical Theory for the Digital Age and was on the research team for the first international meta-analysis of sandplay therapy treatment outcomes. She is a member of core faculty at the University of the Cumberlands in the Department of Counseling, where she is the subject matter expert in play therapy. Find more information at www.rachelmcroberts.com.
Join the New Mexico Play Therapy Association in exploring and deepening an understanding of Jungian Play Therapy (JPT) from its historical context, how it fits into evidence based practice, and implications for the future of the profession. Contemporary attachment and neurobiological research reinforces Jungian theory that symbol development occurs early in life and needs support in order to develop healthy relationships and cognitive functioning. This workshop will provide a strong foundation in JPT, from theory to practice, and demonstrate how we can more deeply understand ourselves, the children we work with, and their families through a multicultural lens. Participants will engage with each other through both didactic and experiential learning to gain tangible skills for working with symbolic material as it emerges in the playroom.
WORKSHOP LENGTH: 12 hours for 2 days (6 per day)
Play Therapy Special Topics, Seminal Theory
Objectives Day 1
1. Describe the history, development, and acceptance of JPT from multi-cultural perspectives.
2. Define at least 3 unique theoretical qualities of JPT.
3. Identify at least 3 research findings that support JPT in EBP.
4. Engage with at least 1 symbol, personally & professionally.
5. Identify how JPT engages the therapeutic powers of play.
Objectives Day 2
1. Describe how non-directive play therapy interventions help support healthy interpersonal neurobiology.
2. Identify key points to address with parents and caregivers throughout the JPT process.
3. Strengthen JPT biopsychosocial-spiritual assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning skills. 4. Practice & experience serving as Container, Witness, & Co-Interpreter.
5. Explore at least 3 interventions from a JPT lens.
12 CE Hours Provided for this Training (6 per day)
Seating is limited to comply with APT regulations and location regulations.
​click registration for pricing
This training session will offer 6 CE hours per day. NMAPT is an approved provider by NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board Approved Provider #0179331 and the Association for Play Therapy Approved Provider 03-132.
*Play therapy credit available to mental health professionals and graduate students in a mental health program.
Cancellation Policy for NMAPT Events
Registrations canceled on or before two weeks prior to the event are refundable but subject to a $25 administrative fee.
Registrations canceling after the deadline of two weeks prior will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived. Registration fees may be transferred to another individual for the same event.